One of my Labia's is bigger then the other! Is this normal and will it make sex feel weird?

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One of my Labia's is bigger then the other! Is this normal and will it make sex feel weird?

Unread post by Jade1414 »

One of my labia's is bigger then the other and I don't know if it's normal. When I'm naked the end pops out and I can see it just there and it makes me very uncomfortable. I'm not sure if it's normal and I'm worried that when I get o an age where I'll have sex that whoever I do it with will think it's weird and not normal. A turn off. Sometimes... most the time when I wear underwear I can see a small little tump where it is and I hate it. I think I would feel better about it and less embarrassed if I knew it was normal and I'm not alone in this. I have read articles and things about how others have this two and there inner labia is one bigger then the other but I still am not sure. My main worry is that sex will feel weird for me and the person. I know it's weird to talk about but I'm scared that whoever it is I have sex with will mot know that girls can have one bigger inner labia then the other and think it's gross. I don't know if it truly is normal or not but if anybody has the same thing going on and knows more and better information can you please help. Thanks.
Sam W
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Re: One of my Labia's is bigger then the other! Is this normal and will it make sex feel weird?

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Jade1414 and welcome to Scarleteen!

Yep, there are plenty of people whose labia are bigger on one side than on the other. You mention having read up on this subject already, but if you haven't given these pieces of ours a read I think you might find them helpful: Give'em Some Lip: Labia That Clearly Ain't Minor, Vagzilla! (Or, All Genitals Great and Small).

In terms of your worries about how this will influence sex with a partner, can you be a little more specific about what you mean when you say you fear it will feel "weird?" And, as for the fear that a partner might not be aware of the (totally normal) variations if human genitals, it may help to keep in mind that if someone is not mature enough to handle the realities of the human body, then they're not mature enough to be someones' sexual partner.
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