Antibiotics and sex almost a week ago

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Antibiotics and sex almost a week ago

Unread post by Tassha1223 »

Six days ago I had sex for the last time, and today I got prescribed penicillin for a nasty cold that just won’t go away. I know that antibiotics lower the effectiveness of the pill, which is why I won’t be having sex for the time being. However, since I had sex six days ago am I still at risk of pregnancy now that I started taking antibiotics? I’m on my last placebo pill and should be getting my withdrawal bleed today
Sam W
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Re: Antibiotics and sex almost a week ago

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Tassha,

Are you referring to the same situation as in this thread: ... 657#p43657? If so, the answer Heather left for you there still applies.
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