I'm terrible

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I'm terrible

Unread post by Anon#19283733 »

I feel completely disgusted with my self..
I took creepshots of one of my crushes, I just feel like I lost control to my hormones..
I feel awful just asking about this,
But how can I keep my head on straight in situations like this? I need to make this right!
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Re: I'm terrible

Unread post by Heather »

I'm glad that you asked someone about this.

Hormones don't actually make us do things, so they're not the likely culprit here. We can talk to try and figure out what was, so that you can make a different choice next time, but it sounds like you first want to figure out how to rectify this current situation. have you deleted the pictures you took? If not, I'd say that's the first step.

Once you do that, how about we talk this through some?
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