Getting used to my body...

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Getting used to my body...

Unread post by helloworld »

I have a couple questions about masturbation.

1. From what I've read, it seems that the clitoris should be really sensitive? There's no spot where my labia minora meet that's particularly pleasant to stimulate. I can feel a hard lump that I assume is my pubic bone but that doesn't feel very nice to rub. I prefer to stimulate around my labia or my mons pubis, which I know has clitoral tissue underneath--I just can't really find the head? I know it isn't necessary to masturbate, I'm just curious.

2. I've been trying insertion for the first time, just with my finger, after I've already gotten somewhat aroused from external stimulation or fantasy. It kind of hurts as well as feeling good, and I'm not sure why. I use a menstrual cup, so I doubt it's a hymen issue. I was barely inside at all, and I'm not sure why it would hurt?

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Re: Getting used to my body...

Unread post by Siân »

Hi helloworld!

Welcome to the boards :)

You know, everyone's body is different. Yes, for many people the glans of the clitoris is super sensitive but that doesn't mean that it's going to be the same for everyone. If you've found something that feels good to you, great! As for finding where your clitoris is, you may find it easier if you look with a hand mirror rather than trying to feel it out. The diagram here may help: Innies & Outies: The Vagina, Clitoris, Uterus and More. What do you think?

You're right that insertion shouldn't be painful. You say that you're already aroused which is great, are you also feeling relaxed? A bit of lube is also a good addition to any kind of sex with insertion - is that something you could try?
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