Failed Paragard/ Possible Pregnancy

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Failed Paragard/ Possible Pregnancy

Unread post by Confused92 »

Hello, I’ve been searching everywhere from YouTube to google for anyone with a similar problem like mine or answers to calm my mind but no such luck.

December 17th I got the Paragard IUD, March 25th I learned it had gotten displaced. I track my cycle and bodily symptoms daily for the last year with the Flo app, and though my cycles often vary in days the app always seemed to be spot on or a day or two off.

The app told me I was in my fertile window March 9th-14th. March 11th I believe was the day I was nearing my peak because I woke up to eggwhite cervical discharge I decided to take an ovulation test and the second line was not present indicating I was not at my LH surge. My bf and I had unprotected sex that night. The next morning I woke up again to eggwhite cervical dishcharge hanging out of me (sorry TMI) I took another ovulation test and I got a second line it was not as dark as the control line but it was there not faint but not as dark. Research tells me it’s a negative until it’s the same darkness as the control line but the day before I had no line at all so I’m a bit confused.

Being that I was ovulating or approaching ovulation by the cervical mucus and test strip I decided this month I would try to take more precautions around fertile days to prevent pregnancy as I’m newly engaged and want My wedding next spring before a baby. I also read so many “pregnant with Paragard stories” that I was afraid. But looking back now I call it an intuition that this month out of all the others I decided to take more precaution maybe my gut was trying to tell me something was off though at that time I had no idea about my iUd moving.

I discussed with my bf about taking more precautions, using condoms during these fertile days to be extra safe. He had no idea about fertile days and thought women got pregnant anytime of their cycle which was also a misconception I had prior to getting an IUD and doing research on it and my body.

So the 12th thAt morning after getting an unclear result on the ovulation test I remembered the previous night we had unprotected sex and though I didn’t test positive for ovulation I knew sperm survived a while so I took the Emergency plan b I kept in my purse about 12 hours after unprotected sex and that night(the 12th) my bf and I had sex again. We used a condom but only at the very end when he felt he was nearing ejaculation. I know this was a risk but in our minds we had this 99.4% effective BC that had us protected and we were just taking more precautions that were probably unnecessary anyways. So that happened and the 13th and 14th we didn’t have sex but I did still notice the egg white cervical discharge hinting ovulation was near.

The 15th we didn’t have sex and I also didn’t notice the eggwhite cervical discharge not that I can remember all I’m going on at this point is what I logged in the app and that day I didn’t log anything for mucus so I’m not sure if I just forgot or wanted to wait till later in the day to check and forgot to log it so day 15 is a mystery but there was no sex. Day 16 I was officially clear from my fertile window so we had unprotected sex and day according to the app and the18th we had unprotected sex.

On the 17th I noticed light spotting and had nausea but I didn’t think much of it. I was confused about the nausea because I never get that as a symptom of anything but an oncoming virus. The 18th I was still spotting which was normal for Paragard since I always spotted the week before my period. But the 19-23 it continued but it was heavy bleeding and bad cramping and I assumed maybe I got my period early. But when the bleeding continued to day 6 and 7 and remained heavy I was concerned. My periods are always 5 days long with the last day being spotting. The nausea also persisted every single day of that week. Sunday the 24th the nausea got so bad I threw up. When Monday the 25th rolled around and I was still bleeding heavy and threw up again I knew I needed to see my gyn and when I went they discovered my iud had moved to the bottom of my uterus near my cervix which was the cause of my bleeding but not my nausea they said nor the cause of the pelvic aches and pinching I was feeling that whole week as well. They gave me a blood and urine test both negative.

Basically it’s the 29th and I’m still bleeding and I’m still nauseous and throwing up. Smells make me nauseous. I feel faint, and dizzy and my abdomen has weird pinching and dull aches. I haven’t been able to keep much down since the 21st. I don’t have a temperature it’s not the flu or the stomach virus and as far as I know it’s not pregnancy but they want to test again in a week.

My breast are so tender it’s almost painful I just want to know what’s going on with my body. Could I be pregnant? How can I determined when the iud moved? Was it when I started bleeding? Or Had it already moved and then started to bleed when it was still undetected? Could my app have predicted fertile days wrong and it was actually the week before and if it was we had three days of unprotected sex the week before.

Is there a chance the copper IUD though displaced could still be effective no matter where the placement in the uterus and the copper and the plan B were both effective? And I also learned yesterday that the way plan b one step works is by delaying ovulation. If that’s the case could it have delayed it to the next few days or next week? Because we had unprotected sex the 16th and 18th Or does it delay it to the next month? I did notice I was still experiencing eggwhite cervical discharge even days after taking the plan b so maybe it didn’t work? I am over the 30 BMI and I’ve read articles on how effectiveness goes down of over 30. But if I was pregnant would it be too soon to feel these symptoms unless I got pregnant earlier than I think I could have but if that was so the test at the doctors should have detected it. That or my body is ultra sensitive to early pregnancy symptoms

I’m sorry for this essay my head is swimming and my doctors seem very dismissive and being that I do have bad anxiety their dismissive attitudes are only making my anxiety worse.

Any insight or thoughts or statistics you can offer me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!
Sam W
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Re: Failed Paragard/ Possible Pregnancy

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Confused,

This sounds like a very stressful situation, and I'm sorry your doctors have not been taking your concerns seriously. Have you seen or talked to a healthcare provider since the 25th, or have those been your only interactions with them?

For you other worries, what I can offer you is this piece: The Pregnancy Panic Companion. It will walk you through what to do based on your situation. You may also want to read this: Let's Dial Down Some (Maybe) Ovulation Freakouts.
And you to whom adversity has dealt the final blow/with smiling bastards lying to you everywhere you go/turn to and put out all your strength of arm and heart and brain/and like the Mary Ellen Carter rise again.
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Re: Failed Paragard/ Possible Pregnancy

Unread post by Confused92 »

Hello, thank you for your response. It has been very stressful just not knowing how long I’ve been unprotected while thinking I was and the continued bleeding now day 14. I’ve been to the gyn on the 26th for the removal the day after they told me it was displaced they wanted me to come in the 27th but the pain and nausea and lightheadedness was too much to bare and wait and I was so afraid of how dangerous leaving a displaced iud in was for me. So the 26th was the last time I’ve been there they told me to come back on the 8th for my annual and they’ll just run another test and check the cyst in my left ovary to see what kind of cyst it is because apparently a cyst is also formed in early pregnancy which I did not know. Thank you for the articles I’ll read them right away.
Sam W
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Re: Failed Paragard/ Possible Pregnancy

Unread post by Sam W »

It sounds like you may want to access another healthcare provider in the interim, or ask them to bump your appointment forward. Slight cramping or bleeding can happen after an IUD removal, but it sounds like this more intense than that. If you're having ongoing nausea and abdominal pain, those can be symptoms of many different things and a healthcare provider can help you determine what may be the causes. Do you think you can access healthcare in the next few days?

Too, you don't need to wait until your appointment for a pregnancy test, since you can take one at home if that would help you: Peeing on a Stick: All About Pregnancy Tests
And you to whom adversity has dealt the final blow/with smiling bastards lying to you everywhere you go/turn to and put out all your strength of arm and heart and brain/and like the Mary Ellen Carter rise again.
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Re: Failed Paragard/ Possible Pregnancy

Unread post by Confused92 »

I tried to get my GYN appointment moved to this week but they said they are all booked up so I have to wait until next Monday. I am still very nauseous every day it comes and goes, and the pains are still present but they come and go as well. I work with small children so it’s also very strenuous. But I do have a radiology appointment this Thursday to check my appendix.
Sam W
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Re: Failed Paragard/ Possible Pregnancy

Unread post by Sam W »

I'm glad hear that you'll be able to access a healthcare provider fairly soon, since that's really the only way to get to the bottom of what's going on. Are there other resources or supports we can help you with in the meantime?
And you to whom adversity has dealt the final blow/with smiling bastards lying to you everywhere you go/turn to and put out all your strength of arm and heart and brain/and like the Mary Ellen Carter rise again.
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