How do you move on?

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How do you move on?

Unread post by Tassha1223 »

My boyfriend of three years broke up with me last night and I am a mess. We had future plans to move in a year and I don’t know how to cope. Do you know any methods?
Alice M
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Re: How do you move on?

Unread post by Alice M »

Hi Tassha,

I'm sorry to hear that. Breakups can be so painful. It's great that you're asking for support -- do you have any friends or support people in your life to hang out with, if you don't feel like being alone? Being distracted by a friend can help, even for a short time.

Taking care of yourself after a breakup can include acknowledging your feelings without trying to suppress or minimize them, self-care activities like taking a bath or binge watching a comforting TV show or making a food that you like. Are there any activities or hobbies that you used to do a lot before you were in this relationship? Reclaiming a favorite activity that you haven't had time for can be nice.

This article has a lot of great information on handling breakups:
Getting Through a Breakup Without Actually Breaking

As this only just happened last night, you're still in the very early phase of grieving this loss. Time is your best friend in this case -- time and processing your feelings.
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