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Gender and science

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2019 4:02 pm
by Yaoi
Hello I am a Male who lives in a very conservative area of the United States. I often get in political conversations with peers with my views on feminism, systemic inequality, sexual orientation and most recently gender identity. Being a rationalist I Care about evidence . Obviously gender and sex are different according to ever major dictionary definition. Obviously gender dysphoria is real. I like to use science and evidence to inuform my peers in current issues.
Are their scientific journals or sources that support the non-binary gender model?

Re: Gender and science

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2019 9:17 pm
by al
Hi there yaoi,

There is definitely not enough amount of research or academic resources about binary transgender folks compared to cisgender ones, not to mention nonbinary or genderqueer people. Off the top of my head, I might direct you to WPATH, or the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, as they're an international organization that publishes standards for psychological and medical care for trans and nonbinary people. Their "recommended reading" list has some great suggestions for
resources that aren't behind a paywall the way that academic journals are: