I fail at masturbating. It's getting annoying.

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Yel Marsh
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I fail at masturbating. It's getting annoying.

Unread post by Yel Marsh »

(!english is not my first language!)

Hi everyone!
I'm Yel and i'm a 21 y/o girl. I'm not sexually active and i'm still a virgin but that's okay.
What is not okay is that it seems the older i get the less i seem capaple to pleasure myself. As a kid i humped the pillow and even if i did not "got off" it was still pleasurable now i feel barerly something.
I gave a shot at everything.
Clitoral stimulation is just unconfortable. It feels too sensitive to touch.
The showerhead don't work either. I think the pressure is wrong tho...
Putting even a finger in hurts.
I'm thinking about tryimg sex toys but i wanted another opinion but i don't want to risk spending moneyfor something embarassing that maybe don't even work for me... and you guys seem nice
It is depressing cause the sexual frustration just builds up and i can't release it. And it makes me feel like something is wrong or broken in me. And i worry that when finally i'll be in a relationship i will not feel anything.

Thx for the attention
Sam W
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Re: I fail at masturbating. It's getting annoying.

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Yel and welcome to Scarleteen!

Plenty of people struggle with finding a way of masturbating that feels good to them, or find that as time goes by a way that did feel good now feels a bit boring. If you're curious about trying sex toys, that's absolutely an option you can explore. We can't guarantee that they'll help, but sometimes introducing a new sensation into the mix helps masturbation feel more pleasurable. Can I ask why you feel buying or having one would be embarrassing?

Too, when you're masturbating are you mentally aroused as well as physically aroused?
And you to whom adversity has dealt the final blow/with smiling bastards lying to you everywhere you go/turn to and put out all your strength of arm and heart and brain/and like the Mary Ellen Carter rise again.
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