Confuse about period after reading articles!

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Confuse about period after reading articles!

Unread post by Pan »

Hi Scarlett,
So i am virgin boy..does not have any girlfriend yet..i am 23 years age..after reading about period in your site and many other site i want to know about period in detail for education purpose

1)Tell me how period come?
2) As a life partner how can i help emotionally and physically to my future wife when she will has period?
3) is there any specific time to not do any kind of sex because of period?(in terms of days )
4) in period or just before period or after period we can not do sex?
5) which day is best for sex in between period?
6) what impact happen on girl's body during period and after period? Is it painful?
7) Anything specific things that we can not do when girl has period?

Very very curious to know about period
Thanks scarlet waiting for your reply in detail
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Re: Confuse about period after reading articles!

Unread post by Heather »

We've already written a lot of content that answers these questions on the site, so rewriting that content in depth here isn't a sound use of our time. Here are some super-brief answers paired with some links where you can get more in-depth answers:

1) These two pieces explain how periods happen and why: On the Rag: A Guide to Menstruation and Get With the Flow: All About FAM.
2) Periods usually aren't that big of a deal for most people, where any kind of major support is needed, but it depends a lot on the person and their periods. You find out what, if anything, a partner needs by asking them: we can't know or tell you what some nonexistent person will need. :)
3) Again, this depends on the person. Some people like being sexual during their period, some don't, and for plenty of people, that changes from day to day. Again, the unique person with the period is who to ask.
4) This piece covers that well:
5) Best how, or for what? Again, whatever the issue, when sex is or isn't best for a person is something you find out from that person.
6) That first link I gave you up top can speak to that.
7) Once more, you find that out from the unique person involved! Just ask them. :)
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Re: Confuse about period after reading articles!

Unread post by Pan »

Thanks you always,
Hi..your above answers helped me lot to get this knowledge...thanks for that... anyway i have some doubt what happen in my my culture people do not go temple when girls have period...(IS THERE MAKE ANY SENSE?!!!).in my culture girls do not even worship towards god when she has period...i dont get why?!!!!..i can not share this feelings with anyone because no one talk about this important topic of female may be because of religious culture!! there make any sense? What is the logic behind it?..share your views on that..(personally i believe this type of things are superstition!!!...Am i wrong?)
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Re: Confuse about period after reading articles!

Unread post by Jacob »

Hi Pan,

It surely is superstition, and sexism. But that's a difficult thing to change. There are also different histories in different places where people are demonised for having periods so I couldn't be sure where it comes from for your community.

You say you don't feel like you can share this with anyone but I bet many of the people who you know who menstruate already think this!

Do you think there are maybe other ways you could show them you care about them and support them (if talking openly isn't an option)?

I'm sorry that you or they have to be in an environment that is so oppressive in this way.
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