Question about watery discharge

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Question about watery discharge

Unread post by Lcupcake »

My apologies if this is a bit tmi, but lately I keep waking up really wet to the point I genuinely think I started my period early. Its extremely watery and reminds me a lot of when I was using boric acid for a yeast infection months ago. I'm just wondering what could cause so much watery dischsrge like this throughout my cycle. Thank you :)
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Re: Question about watery discharge

Unread post by Heather »

The best person to ask is a healthcare provider, especially since you DIYed and had a previous yeast infection (which can work, but also cannot, and sometimes can result in creating a different imbalance that can bring on a different kind of infection, like a bacterial infection). It may well be that this is another infection. I certainly don't think it'd be a good call to try and self-diagnose and self-treat again: I get home remedies when we can, but I generally think it's a good rule of thumb to say that if things seem off soon after we have done that for something, in any way, then we should figure this time we do need to go in and see a doctor, you know?

Do you have someone you can see or a clinic you can go to?
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