Pregnancy Testing Question

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Pregnancy Testing Question

Unread post by grstcl »

Hi! I’m probably a little outside the targeted user base here but I remember y’all were a valuable resource when I was a teenager and I’m needing some insight and want to avoid my doctor (I don’t have the greatest insurance).

I am in a long term committed relationship (we are getting married in 16 days, actually!) and have forgone condoms after years and confirming we are both STI free. We had sex about 8 days ago and my fiancé did ejaculate inside me (which is typical with us). I am on the pill and have been for 10 years, never missing a pill and always using backup or abstinence if I’m on antibiotics, etc. I always take my pill in a 2-3 hour window every night.

I have been under immense stress lately with wedding planning and other personal issues. Two nights ago I dreamed I was pregnant. Of course that means nothing but with the stress and the upcoming wedding it’s gotten to me. Last night I noticed I felt crampy which is unusual. I’m not due to finish my pill pack until Sunday and my withdrawal bleed isn’t until next Wednesday. I used the restroom this morning and had a few spots of brown blood.

Of course my mind regressed back to my teenage pregnancy paranoia self and start thinking “omg implantation bleeding!” Before work I went and grabbed some pregnancy tests (a 3 pack with one of the super early response tests) and the test was negative.

I’m pretty sure it’s still too early to test accurately (even though I did to try and ease my mind), but when could I expect an accurate test? I’m 8 days post sex, 6 days before my expected withdrawal bleed (pill pack ends Sunday). It’s not the end of the world if I’m pregnant (I’m 26, stable relationship, stable job, blah blah) but I’m reeeeeeally hoping I’m not since I’ve got the wedding coming up. Lol.

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Pregnancy Testing Question

Unread post by Jacob »

Hi grstc,

Welcome back to town! If you've had a history of pregnancy related anxiety I think it makes sense that that would come back in the lead up to a wedding.

Accuracy of tests are usually described in relation to specific risks (i.e. completely unprotected sex) that doesn't really apply to you... so it should be as accurate now as it'll ever be.

I would suggest the best thing to do would be to seek out some help with the anxiety stuff. As ever, we're not the best place to do that, but I'm sure there are some great therapists who can give short term support around something like this.
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Don't see why they call it lonesome.
I'm never lonesome when I go there." Connie Converse - Talkin' Like You
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