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About first time

Posted: Fri May 03, 2019 9:15 am
by Pan
Thanks in advance,
So i just put my question staright a i am virgin guy..25 years question is during first sex ..i (male) can feel pain in penis.. if i do sex in proper way like making her fully wet..than do sex with her..i am still virgin..but want to know how first sex will affect me mentally and physically??

Re: About first time

Posted: Fri May 03, 2019 9:40 am
by Sam W
Hi Pan,

The first time you have vaginal sex (which is what it sounds like you're referring to) can leave you feeling a lot of different ways mentally. You could feel happy, satisfied, worried, disappointed, and so on. How you feel depends a lot on how you and your partner interacted and communicated during sex, as well as your own expectations about how sex was going to go and feel. This article talks about first intercourse in more detail, which you may find helpful: First Intercourse 101.

In terms of physical changes, there aren't any that automatically happen the first time you have vaginal sex. But one potential physical outcome is contracting an STI, if safer sex practices are not used.