Lack of testosterone and interest, low erectile function/erectile dysfunction

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Lack of testosterone and interest, low erectile function/erectile dysfunction

Unread post by Stevekeanureeve »

Yeah just worried about this, have a lot of anxiety and that is something that comes up when I ah gee this does feel weird to talk about but Im in the right place I guess- um yeah just try and release some stress with masturbation and cumming. But yeah dont get much pleasure from it do have some mental and physical health issues, but even when these have been going on in the past Ive been able to get some sort of stress relief with this to keep me going. Its more something for on my own but its a concern nevertheless
Sam W
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Re: Lack of testosterone and interest, low erectile function/erectile dysfunction

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Stevekeanureeve,

It can definitely be frustrating when something you've used for stress relief doesn't seem to be working anymore. Sometimes that's due to physical or mental factors, life stressors, or even just getting stuck in a rut with how you've been masturbating. Can you give me a sense of how much you've tried varying your masturbation technique since you noticed this decrease in pleasure?

Too, in your heading you include "lack of interest." When you've been trying to masturbate, are you doing so because you're mentally aroused?
And you to whom adversity has dealt the final blow/with smiling bastards lying to you everywhere you go/turn to and put out all your strength of arm and heart and brain/and like the Mary Ellen Carter rise again.
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Re: Lack of testosterone and interest, low erectile function/erectile dysfunction

Unread post by Stevekeanureeve »

Yeah been a pretty tricky period, past that enough now well yeah idk I feel like that is the case, think so in terms of just other things. Anyway yeah the interest has really dropped off and Im pretty worried about that, its not good at all. Um yeah just different content I guess its a tricky one to talk about without getting too much interest but yeah different content. Also yeah its a bit of a mental arousal but also there is a little bit/a bit of physical arousal there. Otherwise I wouldnt do it
Sam W
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Re: Lack of testosterone and interest, low erectile function/erectile dysfunction

Unread post by Sam W »

While it makes sense that the sudden drop in interest is worrying you, it may help to know that interest in masturbation, just like interest in sex, rises and falls throughout your life. As I mentioned, physical or mental health issues can play a role in that. So, if this is causing you distress, it may be worth bringing it up with your healthcare providers.

In the meantime, you can try varying how you masturbate using the information in this article: Going Solo: The Basics of Masturbation. Too, what if you broadened your focus to include other things that bring you physical pleasure? That may help you with stress management without adding in an additional stressor of worrying about masturbation or orgasm.
And you to whom adversity has dealt the final blow/with smiling bastards lying to you everywhere you go/turn to and put out all your strength of arm and heart and brain/and like the Mary Ellen Carter rise again.
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