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Some advice please?

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 12:42 pm
by LK963
Hi Scarleteen!
Firstly, the website is so helpful, as are you guys! But my question is, can ejaculate leak out of a condom with it tearing or slipping off?
Because myself and my boyfriend have regularly been having sex for coming up on a year, with no accidents so far! We've always used condoms and I'm not on any other birth control. However, we had sex about two weeks ago, around when I would have been fertile, using protection, and when he withdrew he held the base as correctly, but the ejaculate had moved from the tip towards the shaft. He assured me it was bone dry and he couldn't see anything that had come out but I'm now nearly 2 days late on my period, which is somewhat worrying!
So my question is, can ejaculate leak out of the base of a condom? And if so, is it likely to become pregnant if it does?

Re: Some advice please?

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 1:03 pm
by LK963
I meant to say "without it tearing or slipping off", sorry about that!

Re: Some advice please?

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 8:39 pm
by Sam W
Hi LK,

As long as the condom does not break or come off, then you can assume it did its job.