Withdrawal bleed

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Withdrawal bleed

Unread post by nutmeg01 »

I’m not scared of pregnancy or anything but i was talking with my friends and we were debating about if the “period” aka withdrawal bleed still means you’re not pregnant like a normal menstrual period would??
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Re: Withdrawal bleed

Unread post by al »

Hi nutmeg,

Yes, it does mean that you're not pregnant (just like a regular menstrual period). Your period starts on the pill when you stop taking the pills that have hormones in them, which mimics the drop in progesterone that signals the beginning of a period. If you're taking your pills correctly and get a period at the end of the month, you aren't pregnant, because if you were, your body would be spiking in its own progesterone. You can read all about the specifics in On the Rag: A Guide to Menstruation. You might also find this Q&A helpful too.
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Re: Withdrawal bleed

Unread post by nutmeg01 »

Thank you so much that clears it all up perfectly!
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Re: Withdrawal bleed

Unread post by Siân »

You're welcome :)
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