I want to feel good but I know I'd feel guilty afterwards

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I want to feel good but I know I'd feel guilty afterwards

Unread post by Jeangrey7285 »

So, me and a friend have been talking about getting intamate with eacother because we're scared of relationships but still want to get frisky. We don't want to have sex, it's just heavy petting and hugging. My problem is I know I'll feel bad about it afterwards and I don't want to. I really want to do this because it's just part of my sexuality but I hate the thought of being scared and even when we'll be in a private place I'll be nervous. I say to myself if I don't get over this now then when? Can someone help me get over this guilt?
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Re: I want to feel good but I know I'd feel guilty afterwards

Unread post by Siân »


Welcome to the boards :)

It's great that you're discussing the kinds of things you are and aren't interested in doing with someone before getting intimate. I'm glad you're also thinking about the feelings it might bring up before going ahead and doing it. Can you tell me a bit more about what part of this makes you feel guilty?
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