Pregnancy scare need advice
Posted: Fri May 24, 2019 6:38 pm
Okay so basically my boyfriend and I always use condoms and I’m on the birth control pill. But we still use condoms just to be sure. Unfortunately one broke while we were having sex. At first I wasn’t to worried because I’m on the pill and he said that he pulled out in time. But I wasn’t sure if I was taking my pill consistently so I took an emergency contraceptive within 72 hours after sex just in case. I was super worried. I bought some pregnancy tests which all tested negative (I took them ranging from 2-3 weeks after sex) my “period” came about a few days late and three weeks after the sex. But it only lasted about 3 days and was all brown discharge hardly any period blood. Now it’s about 7 weeks later and I haven’t taken a pregnancy test since. I’m expecting my period soon. Should I still be worried. FYI I have also felt bloated and my boobs seem to have gotten bigger but I also could be making up these symptoms in my head please help