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period sex

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 3:24 pm
by Curraali
So I'm 16 and I've thought about having sex on my period, but i don't know if its safe or not to do. Like will it hurt or can I get pregnant, and It also is just gross to think about.

Re: period sex

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 5:17 am
by Jacob
Hi Curraali!

It's neither safer nor less safe than intercourse at any other time. The pregnancy risk may be lower depending on when in your cycle you're comparing it to, but not eliminated. This is why birth control methods are handy to ensure protection. STI transmission risks will also be approximately the same.

In terms of pain... this is completely individual, but many people report it can often be more comfortable and less likely to be painful to have sex during a period (I think the added lubrication, and level of arousal helps!). However this is something you might have to figure out for yourself.

You might find this longer advice column on this very question here: Sex, period.