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Different Brand

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2019 6:13 am
by TownHall
Hey There! So I lost my pill packet a week or so into it last month and i started using another one that I had that was a different brand and had 7 placebo pills instead of 4 (the one I take has 4 placebo days).
They are both combination pills but the one i take is called Nikki and the one I took when I lost them is Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo. On Sunday I started a new pack of my usual ones and I’m just wondering if Im still protected from pregnancy even though I switched pills for a month.

Re: Different Brand

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2019 7:04 am
by Sam W
Hi Townhall,

While the fact that they were both combination pills means this switch may not have caused a decrease in effectiveness, the best person to direct this question to is actually the pharmacy where you get your pills. I'd recommend backing up with a second method, such as condoms, until you have an answer from them.