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Temperature query

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2019 10:07 am
by Corrie199689

Today I left my bag on the table by the window for a few hours and the sun was shining through, I only realised because when I lifted my bag the metal zips on my bag were warm, I keep my birth control pill in my bag in the front pocket and I keep it in the box that it comes from the pharmacy in, could this temperature affect my pill in anyway?

Re: Temperature query

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2019 12:36 pm
by Heather
Generally, if the pills don't look sweaty -- like moisture is condensing -- in their little blisters in the pack, you can figure you're fine. Of course, we always advise backing up any method with condoms anyway -- because no other can give STI and other infection protection -- but it can also come in handy for times like these when you could use some extra peace of mind. :)