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Pills timing

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 1:08 am
by moonlightbae
I wanted to ask if time difference would make the pill less effective
I take my COCs at 8pm in my home time, but I travelled where the time was -1hour, so when it's 8pm in my home zone, it is 7pm in my current time zone.
These last two days I took my pill at 7pm because I thought it would be smart (see 7pm here is 8pm in my original time zone)
But later I thought maybe it was a mistake?
Should I continue taking my pills at 7pm or switch back to 8pm even if it would be 9pm in my original time zone?
Hope you understand my mess, thanks

Re: Pills timing

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 10:16 am
by Sam W
Hi moonlightbae,

This type of pill has a 12 hour grace period before it's considered late, so taking it an hour later or earlier than normal will not decrease it's effectiveness.

From your other questions, it's clear birth control is something attached to a lot of anxiety for you. Do you have any sense as to where that anxiety is coming from?

Re: Pills timing

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 5:36 am
by moonlightbae
Yeah I've been taking it at different times
For example, one/two hours later than I was supposed to. Does it make it a risk for pregnancy there? I haven't missed a single dose this cycle.

Re: Pills timing

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 5:52 am
by Jacob
Hi moonlight,

Please re-read Sam's answer. one or two hours is much much smaller than 12 hours.

Re: Pills timing

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 5:54 am
by moonlightbae
Thank you for your answer.
So only worry when you miss a pill?

Re: Pills timing

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 7:25 am
by Heather
Hey there, moonlightbae.

I've been trying to set limits with you about these endless questions about pill use, questions we have often already answered, and that I and other staff have also made clear are being asked in ways that are outside our policies when it comes to users seeking frequent reassurance due to anxiety.

I'm closing this thread, and I want to be clear that from here on out, we're not willing to answer any more pill questions for you like this. Whoever you see for help with your anxiety is who I would suggest you bring them to, since they seem based in your anxiety more than on actual pill use, but also because, as we've talked about in the past, you have had a history of making sexual choices that seem certain to increase your anxiety, rather than learning how to make choices that better help you avoid or manage it. However, if you disagree -- or in addition -- you can also present those questions to whoever writes or fills your prescriptions.

Please be respectful and honor limits and boundaries we ask for. I know it's hard to control an anxious brain, and hard to see other people through it sometimes, but it's just not an okay way to treat us to keep disrespecting the limits we're asking for or acting like we haven't set them. Thank you.