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Vulva swollen and soreness

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 5:41 pm
by Honey6789
Hello Scarleteen!

I had a question, so today I woke up w/ some minor pain on my left lower side of my abdomen (just over my pubic bone). I thought it might've been gas so I paid no mind. Later in the day, it started being a bit more uncomfortable and then it moved to the right side of my pubic bone as well and right were my thigh begins on both sides. Then later on, I went to the bathroom and noticed that the labia/vulva opening was sensitive to the touch, felt soared and sorta swollen (It was a bit hard trying to stick my finger in and the labia hurt a little when i moved it). It feels like after sex soreness which I sometimes get but it goes away after a few hours and I haven't had sex in about a week. Is there a STI, infection or something else that might cause this type of symptom? I've had this happen once before earlier this year and it lasted for 2-3 days then went away and I've forgotten to bring this up with my doctor. I do have an appointment with her in 2 weeks but I just wanted to calm myself down a little bit until then so please help if you can.

Thanks again!

Re: Vulva swollen and soreness

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 6:04 pm
by Mo
It's hard to know what this might be without a physical examination. If you notice unusual discharge or odors, or the pain persists for a few more days, it's probably best to go ahead and see if you can bump up your doctor's appointment to go in a bit earlier. Otherwise, if you find that it goes away after a day or so it is likely not a huge cause for concern and you could just bring it up at the appointment as scheduled.

Re: Vulva swollen and soreness

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 12:07 pm
by Honey6789
So the pain in my Abdomen has gone down a lot. It doesn't actually hurt anymore it's more of a sensation that hurts and when I press jr hurts too. I also started itching a lot around vagina opening and had a low fever on Saturday. I do think it's a yeast infection and UTI I think but I'll try not to freak out. Is it possible to have both at the same time?? And what are some more natural remedies for yeast or do those only help symptoms only not so much get rid of infection completely?

PS: I was able to move up my appointment to tomorrow so I'll see how it goes.

Thanks again!

Re: Vulva swollen and soreness

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 12:19 pm
by Heather
Since you have not been diagnosed with a yeast infection, you don't want to try and treat one.

Instead, you just want to hang in until your appointment tomorrow. Until then, just stick to loose clothing in natural fibers, including your underwear (no thongs, no polyester, etc.), stay hydrated, and eat healthy, avoiding sugars and simple carbs.