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Unread post by kiiiimibela »

ok so me and my boyfriend had sex today and its the first time we actually did it cause before it hurt cause i havent had sex before and now it didnt as much but after sex it hurts to pee and i’m having little bleeding like just drops of blood or so.. and i peed earlier and theres like a clump of mucus like thing that came out of me and its colour pinkish.. should i be worried?
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Re: Discharge

Unread post by Heather »

Can you check in with me about how you're feeling this morning? The same as last night or is anything better or worse?
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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Re: Discharge

Unread post by kiiiimibela »

hey, it doesn't hurt as much to pee anymore.. still kinda stings a bit but not as much as last night. plus I'm still having a pinkish discharge, not red. but just a bit. i dont have the clump thing anymore either this morning.
scarleteen founder & director
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Location: Chicago

Re: Discharge

Unread post by Heather »

I'm willing to bet the clump thing was just some discharge (at some times of the cycle, it can be very thick and clumpy) that picked up some blood from your vagina or its opening along the way: were you using plenty of lubricant? Were you ONLY doing things that felt good to you (ands stopping if something hurt instead of doing it anyway), and ONLY having intercourse once you were already very turned on? Was your partner being gentle? Next time(s) around, all of those things are what we need to do to not only avoid injury, but usually for intercourse to actually feel good.

I think you can give this a day or so, but if it keeps hurting to pee, or you start to have trouble getting any urine out, then you should probably see a healthcare provider to make sure you didn't get a UTI (urinary tract infection). It's very common to get those when you're having intercourse with a new partner or when it's new to you, period, and they're typically easy to treat. But if you don't treat them, they can really hurt and can also spread to your kidneys and then they can get pretty dangerous. Okay?
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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