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Worries About Brown Discharge

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 7:35 am
by Sam W
Hi Lucile,

So, brown-tinted discharge generally happens right before or right after your period. You can read more about which types of discharge are (and are not) cause for concern in this article: Honorably Discharged: A Guide to Vaginal Secretions. If the discharge you're noticing has very different smell or texture than normal, or is accompanied by other symptoms like pain, it's time to check in with a healthcare provider. Do you know how to access one if need be?

Re: Worries About Brown Discharge

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 7:59 am
by Lucile
Yeah, I know that. The thing is I don't know why this is happening, since it has never happened before, neither along with all those symptoms. That's why I'm concerned. The color, smell and texture, is all normal.

Re: Worries About Brown Discharge

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 8:31 am
by Sam W
Unfortunately, we can't say for certain what's causing this either. It could just be a slightly unusual variation of discharge but, again, if you notice it's not stopping or you notice other symptoms besides it, you'll want to get checked by a healthcare provider to make sure there isn't an underlying infection.