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a weird, new friendship that i’m unsure about

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 12:23 am
by avaiara
i’ve been dating my boyfriend now for about two months. there was some drama with his ex, and to make a long story short, his “ex” who was texting me off of fake phone numbers ended up being someone trying to impersonate her to cause problems in both of our lives.

since finding out it wasn’t her who was causing the problems, she and i have been talking things out and have been offering each other a shoulder to cry/vent on if needed and she also helped me put an end to the constant harassment from the fake numbers. so, (from my end at least), it seems to be turning into a friendship.

my question is, is it weird to be friends with your boyfriends ex?

Re: a weird, new friendship that i’m unsure about

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 7:41 am
by Sam W
Hi avaiara,

Nope, it's not weird! People can develop all kinds of relationships or feelings towards a partners ex, including positive ones. And while it might no be the most common outcome, as long as the friendship that's developing feels healthy, there's no reason not to pursue it if both you and she are enjoying getting to know each other.