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I don’t feel any pleasure when putting toys in myself

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 2:56 pm
by felixohno
Hello! I’m Felix, I’m transgender (female to male) and I’m 14. Recently I’ve been exploring different ways to masturbate. Previously, rubbing my clit did it for me and it still does, but I that’s really the only way I seem to feel pleasure! I’ve used toys before, put them in myself and it just feels weird? It’s not the same feeling as when I rub my clit. It doesn’t hurt, but it doesn’t feel good either? No matter how horny I feel or how wet I am, how fast or slow I go, nothing changes that feeling and that specific feeling just doesn’t feel good at all! I don’t think it has anything to do with my gender dysphoria if that’s what you’re thinking. But maybe I’m just not doing something right?

Re: I don’t feel any pleasure when putting toys in myself

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 11:14 pm
by Siân
Hi felixohno :)

Welcome to the boards !

You know, sometimes if you're not feeling it you're just not feeling it. It sounds like you know how you feel when something DOES feel good, and you've tried all the basic things that make sure entry doesn't feel bad - like slowing down and making sure you're relaxed and turned on. It's hard to masturbate 'wrong' as every body is different. Maybe sex with entry just isn't what you're into right now? What do you think?