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Spotting after finishing placebo week

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 7:20 am
by Coconut
Hi! I have been a little concerned about this, since it never happened to me before. I've been taking Zoely 24/4 pills (Nomegestrol Acetate and Estradiol) for 4 years now, and i usually have light withdrawal bleeds that arrive on the third placebo pill and leave by the first pill of my new pack.
However, when i finished this pack, my "period" arrived the day i started my new pack.
I had thought it finished (since it always does when i start taking the pills again) but yesterday i went to the bathroom and noticed spotting.. and this morning i did notice it too.
My last sexual intercourse was back in april so i'm 'pretty much sure i'm not pregnant, since i've never missed any pills. But i was wondering if this could be something going wrong with my body or if this is normal when taking bc for so long.
Thanks in advance!!!

Re: Spotting after finishing placebo week

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 7:36 am
by Sam W
Hi Coconut,

Spotting between cycles is a possible side effect of the pill, so that could be what's going on here (sometimes side effects can emerge even after being on a medication for awhile). I do want to also check, are you and your partner up to date on your STI tests?