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My desire but also my fair

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 7:34 pm
by Dogman
The idea of being caught masterbating or deliberately letting someone "catch" me masturbating both terrifies and arouses me. I don't want to be caught by my parents but wouldn't mind if it was someone else caught me and wanted to know a way to kind of set it up that they do catch me. Also is this normal to want to be caught I'm not sure if this is weird or not?

Re: My desire but also my fair

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 4:29 am
by Keda
In terms of this desire being weird, it's not really: it's pretty common for people to find risk exciting, and often that comes out in a desire to potentially get caught doing something sexual.

In my opinion, however, it's difficult to achieve practically, because involving someone in sexual activity without their consent is seriously unethical, even if you're not touching them in any way. Not to mention, if you do this in public you could potentially get in legal trouble.

If you know someone - a partner might be the obvious choice, but isn't the only one - who you could talk to about this and get their help in acting it out, that'd be a sound way of living the fantasy. Another option might be to find a place where you can see other people but they can't see you, or they can't see what you're doing; so you still have the thrill of publicity, but you're not risking involving anyone in something they don't want to be involved in. Those are just the options that come to my mind, I'm sure you could think of a few more. :)

It's fantastic to be aware of and involved in your own sexuality, and to enjoy your sexual life (with others or on your own), but I'd say it should stop before the point at which your actions start having a negative effect on other people. :)

Re: My desire but also my fair

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 10:46 am
by Dogman
I see what you mean by I might get into lots of trouble, I wasn't going to go down to the park or something like that.

Re: My desire but also my fair

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 10:59 am
by Heather
One of the things about sexual fantasy is that, for a lot of people, it stays just that, especially if their fantasies, were they brought into real life action, would be unsafe or unsound for them or others.

Like Keda said, this is one of those where, for sure, if and when you have a sexual partner, you can arrange ways to role play this so that it is safe and sound. But otherwise, you can just let this live in your head and use it in your imagination during masturbation or other sexual activity.