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Spotting between periods

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2019 5:08 pm
by sytrybaby

So, in some cycles, around the time I'm ovulating, I get spotting. It's usually light and it comes with discharge, it being transparent and with strings of red, bright blood in it. This cycle (I'm a few days from getting my period again) it lasted for four days, and it's concerning me. I've been googling and have read that, although not common, some women do experience it because of hormonal changes and it's not something to worry about. Still, I'm scared and uncertain. I'm not in current use of any pill and I'm a virgin that only got as far as dry humping & oral/manual sex with my boyfriend.

I've searched this amazing site around looking for answers, but I didn't get my question solved, so I decided to stop by and drop this topic.

Is it be completely normal, as I read, or should I be concerned?

Re: Spotting between periods

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2019 8:53 pm
by al
Hi there sytrybaby, and welcome to Scarleteen!

What you're describing is definitely normal. People can experience spotting throughout their cycle outside of the menstrual period, for a variety of reasons (hormonal changes, stress, etc). As long as you aren't experiencing any other concerning symptoms (severe pain, heavy bleeding, constant itching, etc), you most likely have nothing to worry about!

Also, if you haven't read it already, you might find On the Rag: A Guide to Menstruation to be a good read!