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Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 2:29 pm
by Yunlad
Hi Scarleteen,
I wanted to know is bleeding like period is common in pregnancy? Because i read somewhere that you can still get period even if you are pregnant. I got my period which can fit into 2 big pads and got flow, although this time it does not come as much as my normal period, but its definitely not spotting , can I assumed that I got my period and do I need to do a pregnancy test for this? Thank you so much

Re: Period

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 8:12 am
by Heather
You've asked about potentially being pregnant a few times now, and our staff have shared our limits on that with you.

Since you remain concerned despite the information shared with you about this already, and despite having a menstrual period, have you gone ahead and taken a pregnancy test to see if seeing what is pretty clearly likely to be a negative result relieves your fears? If not, I'd say it's time for that so you can try and put this to bed.