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Pain during sex

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2019 10:26 pm
by Spiderman23
So me and my partner were about to have sex but when he entered me, it hurt really bad so I had to stop it. I just wondered why I would be so sore? We haven’t had sex in a few weeks so it’s not like I’m getting over soreness from a previous encounter. Also, we have had sex a lot and this has never happened to me.


Re: Pain during sex

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2019 8:02 am
by Heather
There are a bunch of reasons this could be the case.

The most common is that you two were too hasty getting to intercourse, and you and your body needed both more time and more non-intercourse sexual/sensual activity to be ready for that. Not using lube is also another common reason for pain with intercourse.

Infections -- STIs but also things like yeast infections, BV or UTIs -- can be another common reason for pain.