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Molestation during sleep

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2019 4:48 am
by Smitha1994
Hi all,
Is it really possible to sleep through a rape or a sexual assault or molestation and not know it? I am a heavy sleeper and my family always tells me that I sleep like a log. I always get these thoughts about my safety . I have never had sex before. So I don't know the symptoms to look for. I have been in situations where I had to sleep in unsafe places where I don't trust the people. Now I make sure it's a safe place for me to sleep before I go to sleep. but my past haunts me with questions like what if I was assaulted by someone when I was asleep and I didn't notice it. :cry: . So my question is, is it possible for a guy to sexually assault a girl in her sleep without the girl knowing it?

Re: Molestation during sleep

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2019 8:00 am
by Heather
We've been asked this before, and to the best of my knowledge, it would be very unlikely to both sleep through assault AND not have any sense that something had happened when you woke up. On the other hand, this isn't an uncommon phobia in my experience, and is something that I feel like I've seen come up particularly for people here with social and/or sexual anxiety, as well as for people who haven't had any kind of sexual experience.

That all said, if you want to talk more through this, we can certainly do that with you.