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Brown discharge

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2019 7:14 pm
by Pacster
Hi I’m currently having some brown discharge which is usually mixed in with my clear discharge. My period isn’t supposed to be happening for another 9 days, but I’m currently sick. The only other thing that could have affected this is the fact that my boyfriend and I messed around on the 7th, I was naked but he had clothes on. We grinded for about 2 minutes at the most while he had a precum spot that I had made contact with. I don’t think that’s really the issue though. Could the discharge be happening because of how I am sick?

Re: Brown discharge

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 7:52 am
by Sam W
Hi Pacster,

We can't say for certain what's causing this discharge, although it's unlikely to be related to you being sick. What's more likely is that this is a signal that your period is coming soon, since brown discharge is usually happens just before or just after your period.