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Penis size - blog correction

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 10:51 pm
by freebobafett
So, I'm way too old for this site, but I was showing someone "evidence" (as much as stuff on the internet is evidence) that women's vaginas have a "snap back" feature like most muscles do, and that there was no such thing, for the most part, as an abnormally "sloppy pussy" (pardon my language, children).

Anyway, I land.on an article from this site and it confirmed what I said about vaginas, but it goes on to say that the average we're penis is 5.5" long (I think this might be slightly too long. I believe it is closer to 5") and a whopping 4 inches wide.

[edited to remove violent talk about genital injury - HC]

I think what she Heather meant to say was that the average circumference is 4".

Don't believe everything you read on the internet, kids. Your penis, such that it is coming in at under 4", is just fine.

Re: Penis size - blog correction

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2019 9:09 am
by Heather
Indeed, that sounds like a simple error, thanks for catching it. I'd love to fix it, but I'd first need to know what article that was. Might you have the URL handy? Thank you.

(I am editing out one line you put in here just because it's quite violent -- and for no good reason -- in the way it talks about potential genital injury. Since some people here have experienced injury and violence in that area, hyperbole like that can call up trauma, which obviously doesn't help anyone.)