He cant feel it?

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He cant feel it?

Unread post by Koro704 »

So i lost my virginity a little over a month ago to someone a year younger, it was his firat time too but ever since then i ALLWAYS have been on top for him to cum or enjoy it, he says he doesnt get any pleasure from any other position because he has to "tense his penis and move his hips" at the same time but he cant.. ive googled this and found nothing soo is there something wrong?
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Re: He cant feel it?

Unread post by Heather »

Well, in order to have intercourse that feels like much, hip movement from at least one, but often -- if possible -- both, people involved is kind of essential for both people to feel a thing.

It sounds like this might be someone who doesn't understand that intercourse is a pretty active activity on the whole? Do they have a disability or injury that makes it so they *can't* move their body in some way? Or do you think they're telling you they're only enjoying intercourse when they're very passive (and you're, obviously, very active)?
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