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How comfortable do you feel talking to your doctor?

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 3:15 pm
by Mo
I've just started seeing a new doctor, so I've been thinking about this lately. I often have a hard time being assertive with medical professionals, whether that's bringing up something new in a regular exam, asking for alternatives to medications or other treatments they've suggested, or standing up for myself when I feel like they've been pushy or disrespectful. Sometimes I've even hesitated to ask for a clarification when I didn't understand something because I felt intimidated or just wanted the visit to be over. It can be tough!

I have been trying to be a better advocate for my own health and needs lately, and while it has gotten easier, I know I could still speak up more. Is this something any of you struggle with? How comfortable do you feel if you want to bring up a sensitive or difficult question with your doctor? When you have been able to ask harder questions, how have the doctors responded?

Re: How comfortable do you feel talking to your doctor?

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 1:16 am
by Alitotherescue
I mean I am comfortable around my doctor when it’s solely her and not any other doctor but it is hard feeling comfortable when my mom is in the room with me, so I tend to not talk at my Appointments or sports physicals. :D

Re: How comfortable do you feel talking to your doctor?

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 2:33 pm
by Mo
One thing you may want to try is asking if you can see the doctor on your own, either for the entire appointment for for a shorter period of time during the appointment. You can ask about this when you check in for the appointment, or even over the phone beforehand, and the person at the front desk can pass that request along to your doctor.

Re: How comfortable do you feel talking to your doctor?

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 12:23 am
by Alitotherescue
Mo wrote:One thing you may want to try is asking if you can see the doctor on your own, either for the entire appointment for for a shorter period of time during the appointment. You can ask about this when you check in for the appointment, or even over the phone beforehand, and the person at the front desk can pass that request along to your doctor.
I don’t think my mom would do that since she knows everything more than me, oof. Like I don’t know changes in family medical history???

Re: How comfortable do you feel talking to your doctor?

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 8:13 am
by Sam W
In that case, asking her to only be in the room for part of the visit may be the best option. After all, even if she knows the family history, you're going to be the expert on what's going on in your body and what questions you have about your health. Too, if you've been seeing the same healthcare provider for awhile, they may already have some of that family medical history in your records.