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Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 7:05 pm
by kiiiimibela
When does Implantation bleeding occur after intercourse? I had sex 5 days ago and now I’m spotting, apparently implantation bleeding takes 6-12 days after sex so I’m very confused as to why I’m spotting right now. (I started birth control 20 days ago could this be just due to the hormones the pill is introducing to my body?)

Re: Implantation

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2019 8:08 am
by Heather
Implantation bleeding only happens if and when someone is in the process of becoming pregnant, not just because of intercourse, and it is also uncommon. Most people who become pregnant will not have implantation bleeding. If anything you're reading talks about this like it's common, you have to know you're not likely reading an accurate source of information.

On the other hand, quite a lot of people experience spotting when starting to use a hormonal method, or for other more common reasons related to intercourse like having contracted an STI or other vaginal infection or not having used enough lubricant.

You've expressed concerns like this a few times in the past: can I ask if you have talked to your boyfriend about these concerns? And if you have asked him to do anything that could help you feel safer and more secure, like doing his part when it comes to protection and using a condom when you two have sex?

Re: Implantation

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2019 4:37 pm
by kiiiimibela
Hey, thanks for clearing it up. Yes I’ve talked about these concerns to my boyfriend. We’ve always been using condoms for protection but just only 6 days ago we decided to try without one because I started using birth control. He’s very considerate of the things I suggest when it comes to this stuff and supportive. I just get really panicky when I overthink that something we don’t want is happening.

I have follow up questions. I’m having slight cramps at the moment and I don’t know if this still happens if the bleeding is because of my pills. Is this part of spotting? Plus the blood is quite dark brown/it seems like it’s bright red however its just the same amount as when spotting and not as much as a period and I’m confused if this is actually my period, spotting, or something else. Do you have an explanation for this? Also just to let you know I’m not in my placebo pills yet, and as far as I know I start my “period” on the pill when I’m finally taking my placebo pills. I’m very confused at the moment. (to be specific I also used plan b pill after the intercourse without the condom just to be sure, do you think that could be causing this?) I’m sorry this is all over the place.

Re: Implantation

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2019 9:53 pm
by kiiiimibela
Just an update it switched colours again from bright red/brown earlier to pinkish red and it really isn't how much a period should be.. I’m so confused :cry:

Re: Implantation

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 8:03 am
by Heather
There's really no "how a period should be." There's a whole bunch of variation, and periods, withdrawal bleeds (the "periods" you have on the pill) and spotting can be anything from light pink to deep red to brown to even blackish and still be totally healthy.

It's sounding to me like what's actually going on here at this point is a pregnancy scare. Am I right that right now you're concerned you might have become pregnant? Or are these worries just about you thinking something's wrong with your health?

Re: Implantation

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 1:28 pm
by kiiiimibela
Yes, I’m a bit concerned I might be pregnant but I’m just really concerned about whats going on. It’s the third day and I’m still bleeding. I don’t know if there’s something wrong with my health or I’m reacting negatively to the pills I’m taking. Is it possible that spotting caused by the pills last this long? Is it possible that even though I’m not on my placebos yet, that I’m already having my my period/withdrawal bleeding?

Re: Implantation

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 1:32 pm
by Heather
Yep. In fact, it usually takes people's bodies a few months to adjust to a hormonal method, and spotting is one of the most common side effects. But it might also be that you're having breakthrough bleeding, which is also super common in the first few cycles. That's because the pill and your own cycles need time to sync up, and before they do, they can be odd like this.

When you were prescribed your pills, did your doctor or nurse talk with you about all the possible side effects and other things that can happen when you're taking the pill?