what is the gooey white stuff in my vagina?

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what is the gooey white stuff in my vagina?

Unread post by juveneta »

i'm a bit uneducated when it comes to fluids. recently i had some issue with i think BV (yellowish discharge, bad smell) that i've been treating with boric acid. it's been getting better.

i was feeling a bit turned on today and because i've been on the pill, i've been having issues with getting wet. i plan to lose my virginity soon and i wanted to check up down there when i'm aroused. when i looked down there i saw that i had some gooey white liquid in my vagina, not really inside but around it. i never looked down there when i am turned on before and so i don't really know what it really means to be "wet". is natural lubrication supposed to be white-ish or is it all clear?

or is this discharge i should be concerned about? is this something to do with my BV?

i'd appreciate any help. thanks!

(i'm 18F, very inexperienced)
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Re: what is the gooey white stuff in my vagina?

Unread post by Heather »

I've moved this to another of your threads so that we can talk about these concerns all in one place. It's now in your other thread here: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=9172&p=46091#p46091
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