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Vitamins and BC pill

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 6:52 pm
by Leia1997
Hi again! I was just wondering if taking a vitamin c supplement would greatly decrease my pill's effectiveness. I read that vitamin c increases estrogen levels and since I'm getting ready to take the second pill in my new pack tonight, that shouldn't be a problem because my estrogen levels are supposed to increase during this week anyway? I also read that I should wait four hours after taking the vitamin before taking my pill, so I could wait if that meant not lowering the effectiveness. My pill would be about 3 hours late, though because I should be taking it right about now.

I'm only taking this supplement to help with a bad cold, so this is basically a one time thing. I'd call my pharmacy but they're closed right now! :) Anyway, are there any other vitamins that could interfere as well? Thanks a lot!

Re: Vitamins and BC pill

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 7:04 pm
by Sam W
Hi Leia,

I would just wait to get your answer when your pharmacy opens in the morning. As far as taking your pill three hours later than normal, you actually have a 12 hour grace period before a pill is even considered late.