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IUD Expelled?

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 12:16 am
by lilyflower

My IUD came out yesterday (unfortunately while removing a mooncup - so annoying!). I just wanted to check a few things:
1) As I effectively pulled it out by accident do I need to go for a checkup - presumably this can't cause any injury? I feel ok, just a little achy.
2) As I'd been on a period, the last time I had sex was about 6 or 7 days ago -presumably I don't now need to worry about a pregnancy from this as the iud would have most likely killed any sperm hanging around before then?


Re: IUD Expelled?

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 8:30 am
by Sam W
Hi Lilly,

No, I don't believe you need to be concerned about the sex you had several days ago. However, if you have not already done so, I would schedule a check-up with the healthcare provider who inserted the IUD so you two can discuss the next steps.