clothespins on nipples safe?

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clothespins on nipples safe?

Unread post by aaarrrggghhh »

im a masochist, & i really like the feeling of using clothespins as nipple clamps, but im not sure if its safe
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Re: clothespins on nipples safe?

Unread post by Heather »

Welcome to the boards. :)

To the best of my knowledge, clothespins are just as potentially safe (and just as potentially unsafe) as nipple clamps made for this kind of play. So long as you're using them with safety in mind like you would nipple clamps, they should be just fine.

We can talk more in depth about this if you want, but the basics for this kind of play and safety are:
- limiting the amount of time you use them for to less than 30 minutes, and even less if your circulation isn't great
- not clamping them as absolutely tight as they can be (which with these, is a matter of picking ones where the spring feels less tight rather than more, since it can vary a lot from pin to pin)
- don't use them in a way or for a period of time that any bruising or bleeding happens, and
- if it stops feeling good (if it stops hurting in a way you like, in a word, or is clearly causing injury), stop using them.
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Re: clothespins on nipples safe?

Unread post by aaarrrggghhh »

ok thank you
scarleteen founder & director
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Re: clothespins on nipples safe?

Unread post by Heather »

Sure thing. :) . Anything else I can help you out with today?
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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