Sex in park

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Sex in park

Unread post by kotan »

my friend asked if I want to have sex in park and I agreed. but i do not want to get in trouble so i need advices for it. we are both 19 by the way.
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Re: Sex in park

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Kotan,

Can I ask why you and your friend are wanting to have sex in the park, specifically? Are there not other places where you feel comfortable having it? Or is it more that it sounds exciting or fun?

I ask because it's generally not a good idea to have outside in a public place, for a few reasons. One is that it could cause a passerby to see sex that they did not consent to see. Another is that, in many places, sex in public isn't legal.
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Re: Sex in park

Unread post by kotan »

We want to have sex outside in any place because it is both exciting and fun.
Sam W
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Re: Sex in park

Unread post by Sam W »

Got it. So, as I mentioned above, sex in a public place poses risks both in terms of getting seen by people you don't want to be seen by (and who probably don't want to see you) and in getting in trouble from a legal perspective. You mention you don't want to get in trouble, but the truth of the matter is that there's no way for the two of you to guarantee you won't. Too, it might be worth discussing if there are things that appeal to the two of you about outside sex that you could recreate some other way (or if there's somewhere like your backyard that's private and outside that you could use).
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Re: Sex in park

Unread post by kotan »

We want to fuck outside because there is fresh air, it smells great, there are animals like cats and we can play with them. It just feels great.
Also it is still nice weather outside so I don't want to miss a chance. We can stay fully naked outside!
Also I like that we can fuck on grass or bench.
I like that we can have a picnic there. We often get hungry during sex so we can take a break and eat or slow down and eat while fucking.
Sadly I don't own a backyard so idk.
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Re: Sex in park

Unread post by Heather »

The thing is, in a public park, you just can't usually do that lawfully. And honestly, it's not like that's a terrible kind of rule to have: for sex to be truly consensual, that generally means everyone involved has to consent to being part of it. Passersby in a park generally aren't going to want or consent to being part of a stranger's sexual scene.

This piece seems to do a good job summing up both the law, common practices and current crackdowns on public sex in parks in Berlin: ... a-16961089 This piece makes clear that sex in public isn't lawful when people are NOT naked (even though being naked is lawful), but honestly, I'd still advise against it just out of consideration for other people who also deserve to enjoy a public space like a park, and should have the right to make choices about if and when they're any part of sex.

Allow me to suggest a pretty common and excellent alternative that still allows you just about all the things you've mentioned here: camping.

If you go camping, you can have sex in a tent and still get fresh air, nice weather, food al fresco, nakedness, the whole thing. And what you get to skip out on is nonconsensually forcing anyone into your scene because they just wanted to take a walk, someone exploiting your or your partner's vulnerability to respond to either or both of you with sexual harassment or violence, as well as having your sex, your bank account (and potentially more than that) ruined by breaking the law and getting caught. :)
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Re: Sex in park

Unread post by kotan »

So if we will be clothed we can have sex in park?

Also when we will go camping we can be naked only in tent?
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Re: Sex in park

Unread post by Siân »

Hi kotan,

As Heather said, they would advise against having sex in the park - as the article makes clear, there are people who don't want to see it when they're trying to enjoy public space, and there is the risk of a fine.

I'm not an expert German nudity laws, but as I understand it there are plenty of public places where it is okay to be naked (though not to be sexual) so best to do your research in advance to figure out what is permitted where you are.
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