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My peroid changed, I'm not sure why??

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2019 12:24 pm
by Baby2you1
So usually my cycle starts out dark brown, becone heavy on day 2 and is bright red and becomes dark red/ brown towards the end. I took plan b like 4 or 5 months ago, my 2ed peroid was 8 days late. But when it came it started out brown, became heavy on the 2ed day with bright red, and stayed dark/ bright red until the end. Between this time I also changed my diet and went keto (low carb, high fat). I'm not sure if thr change is due to diet or something more concerning? I'm 24 and never had kids or been pregnant. I keep worrying and thinking i am pregnant but in one if my tubes.

Any advice. I keep googling but it makes things worse.

Re: My peroid changed, I'm not sure why??

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:20 pm
by Alice M
Hi there.

It is completely typical for periods to change and shift throughout our lifetimes. This is not something you would need to feel concerned about, and if you're having your period then you are not pregnant. If you've had actual pregnancy risk(s) then by all means, take a pregnancy test to put yourself at ease.

Here is an article about how periods work, which includes the signs that you may need to see a doctor: On the Rag: A Guide to Menstruation

Re: My peroid changed, I'm not sure why??

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 12:30 pm
by RadiantRay
Hi there! To echo Alice, periods change a lot, especially considering diet, stress, physical activity, etc. I asked my doc one time about the darker brownish colors versus bright red and he said those color changes are normal, it's just the different points in the cycle. My understanding is that the brown is usually older, maybe from the previous cycle that wasn't expelled - which is normal. Honestly, if you have a gyno available (or maybe planned parenthood) I'd go for a checkup. Sometimes it's worth it to get the peace of mind. But an over the counter pregnancy test would be a good place to start!

Good luck!