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Worried about girlfriend flirting/cheating

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 3:45 pm
by Padster09
I am 16. So I have been going out with my girlfriend now for 8 months and recently I decided to make an Instagram account as I've not had one for a couple years. So I followed my girlfriend and in her bio it had her Snapchat. Then a couple hours later she took it out of her bio after I followed her I'm worried that lads where getting her Snapchat and flirting with her and she might of been flirting back. I'm just thinking that she removed her Snapchat from her bio so I wouldn't be suspicious. Any advice or am I just over reacting?

Re: Worried about girlfriend flirting/cheating

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 3:54 pm
by Mo
Is there anything that's happened between you and your girlfriend that's making you worry about her cheating on you? I don't think removing a link is inherently weird or suspicious; she may have decided she didn't want those two accounts connected for plenty of other reasons. The only way to know what's up with this decision is to talk with her about it; I wouldn't go into the conversation with an accusatory tone, but you can certainly ask about this if you're curious.

Re: Worried about girlfriend flirting/cheating

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 4:00 pm
by Padster09
I'm not sure if my last post sent so I will put it again just incase. It's just as soon as I followed her she quickly removed her Snapchat out of her bio so I'm not sure wether she did it so I wouldn't question it. We are in a long distance relationship of 200+ miles. So I'm removing it so quick made me feel abit suspicious.

Re: Worried about girlfriend flirting/cheating

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 4:11 pm
by Mo
It doesn't strike me as suspicious, to be honest, but since it sounds like it's something you're giving a lot of thought to, it might help to talk with her about it.