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Why it happened to me?

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 7:24 pm
by Pan
Hi Scarlett,
Always feel good in this site after sharing my feelings... anyway..most of the time i always feel in sexy mood in morning....bcz of that i can not focus on my routine life..why it is happening to me?..and how can i transfer my focus in my routine life...i know masterbation is good solution...but now i am become mature in masterbation...i need 30 minutes for cum because i do not want to ejaculate too quickly....but if you have any tips regarding to save my time from this horny mood than i really want to know or give me tips that how can i transfer my focus from that sexy mood??
Consideration- i don't feel bad in sexy mood bcz its so pleasuring for me...i really enjoy this sexy mood...but i want to save my time in morning....any tips?

Re: Why it happened to me?

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 7:13 am
by Siân
Hi Pan,

It's common to feel sexual in the morning, I don't know why. If you don't want to masturbate every time that's fine! If you start doing other things the mood will usually go away by itself - I don't think you can force it.