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Birth Control Preference

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 12:46 pm
by RadiantRay
Hey there! I'm curious what people's preferred birth control method is. I always use condoms or dental dams for added protection, plus the benefit of protecting against STI's. Other than that - I've taken the pill and I have had an IUD.

Has anyone tried the shot or implant? I'm wondering what other people have found to be effective and convenient. My issue with the pill is that it's high maintenance, so to speak. Just looking for general impressions or thoughts :)

Re: Birth Control Preference

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 8:04 pm
by al
My favorite favorite favorite method back when I was able to get pregnant was the NuvaRing. I found it difficult to take a pill every day at the same time, and it gave me a lot of weird mood side effects that I hated. But the NuvaRing gave me just the right amount of hormones to do the job without giving me systemic side effects, and quite often I forgot it was even there. It was really, really nice to not have to think about things until the end of the month, and it was the same price as the pill. Honestly, I feel like I couldn't be more of an advocate for it. They should pay me commission. :)