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Scared please help

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2019 7:55 pm
by Kittenz
So today I noticed a dip below my belly button when i suck in my stomach. Its between my belly button and the front of my vagina.

I can kinda see it when im not sucking in and I can feel it. But its most noticeable when i suck in. Is this normal? What is it? Im so scared. Idk if its always been there or not because i dont pay much attention but i think i can remember seeing it before.

I dont wear any tight pants or anything with buttons. I always wear dresses. So its not due to my clothing.

Re: Scared please help

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2019 9:16 pm
by al
Hi Kittenz, and welcome to Scarleteen!

I can't say for sure what you're feeling is, because this is the internet and I'm not a doctor. But the likelihood is that it's just a benign natural feature of your right-now body that may eventually go away. Bodies have all sorts of dips and curves and bumps and marks because they're not perfect and symmetrical organisms - they stretch and change and grow and support all the wild things that we do with them.

You're not experiencing any kind of pain or concerning symptoms, are you? If so, it's worth checking out with a doctor or healthcare provider. But if it's not, it may just be something that your body is doing at the moment to accommodate the period of intense growing and changing that you're probably in the middle of.