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Plan B + birth control pill

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2019 4:45 pm
by mwmillennial
Hello Scarleteen,

I apologize in advance for breaking any message board rules but I have a quick question about starting back up on the birth control pill after taking Plan B that I wasn’t able to find on here.

My boyfriend and I had sex with a condom Tuesday night, followed by some unprotected genital rubbing after he finished. I decided to take Plan B within the 24 hour window. I have a period tracking app but I am self aware enough to know that those are never 100% accurate, and I shouldn’t base anything off of it. According to this app, I was “ovulating” with a “chance of getting pregnant” when the unprotected stuff happened. I’ve read from several sources that if ovulation has already happened, Plan B becomes ineffective. I am taking all of that information with a grain of salt and choosing to be as realistic as possible. I called my OB and had a prescription for birth control pills filled right away.

My question is: can I start my birth control pack now? Or should I wait until my period shows up (or doesn’t show up, which is of course a possibility) to take it?

Re: Plan B + birth control pill

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2019 5:28 pm
by Mo
I think we got this all sorted for you in chat! :) If you have followup questions, feel free to let us know.