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Vomiting and Pill Absorption Time

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 6:55 am
by celica2003
Dear Scarleteen,
I'm on Gildess as a low dose combination birth control pill. Last night I vomited almost exactly 3 hours after taking my pill. Would this have compromised my effectiveness or should the pill have absorbed by then?

Re: Vomiting and Pill Absorption Time

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 7:52 am
by Redskies
Your pill should be absorbed by 3 hours after taking it, but given you're talking about 3 hours here, it does no harm to make sure. What does your pill information leaflet say about the amount of time between taking a pill and vomiting? That's probably your best source of information. If it's not clear or you're not sure about what it says, a pharmacist would be a good person to check with.

Re: Vomiting and Pill Absorption Time

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 1:25 pm
by celica2003
My leaflet just says "if you have vomiting or diarrhea for any reason your pill might not work as well" and to use a backup until checking with a doctor or pharmacist. It doesn't specify a time limit. we always use condoms as backup so using a second method is not a problem, but because we like the dual protection I just like being as educated as possible about my pill. Also thank you for the information and I will definitely ask a pharmacist.