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Haven't had my period in a month

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2019 10:42 pm
by syabunny11
So, my period usually starts around the 14th of every month, but last month my period didn't happen at all, and my period still hasn't happened as of right now. I'm a virgin and I don't have any diseases. I inherited a habit of getting random yeast infections but those usually clear up after my periods, and from what I've been told yeast infections can't prevent my period from happening. Is this a normal thing or should I be concerned?

Re: Haven't had my period in a month

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2019 11:44 pm
by Gone.Sorry.
It sounds like you're pretty regular since you have an expected time you get your period, but how long have you had your period and how long has it been regular? It can take about six years for a period to become consistently regular, so it's possible this could just be regular hormonal fluctuations causing your period's schedule to be off.

Have there been any changes in your lifestyle recently? Periods can be impacted by so many things! A new medication, stress, lack of sleep, extreme changes in diet and/or exercise, rapid changes in weight, having recently been sick... Menstrual syncing (people with periods in close quarters with each other ending up having the same/very similar cycle times) is still debated, but some studies have argued that it's a real effect, so even being around new people in your life could potentially cause a change in your cycle.

Do you have any other symptoms? Any pain/soreness, itchiness, a new smell - anything that seems off to you? If so, that may help point to an underlying issue that may need addressed.

Otherwise, it is quite likely that this is perfectly natural and you'll get your period next month or so. It is suggested that if you haven't had a period in six months, then you should get checked out. If you're really anxious and an appointment to get checked out would help or you start noticing other symptoms, you should make an appointment sooner than that.

But most people who get periods will skip a couple in their lifetime. =)

Re: Haven't had my period in a month

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 7:58 am
by Heather
Just to be clear, too, a period that, for many months, always comes on around the 14th isn't actually very regular because the days of the month are different each month, so after a few months, for a period to come on the same date would mean the number of days in the cycle is changing pretty profoundly at some point.

More on that here: ... e_or_is_it

Long story short: probably this isn't coming on this same date because it would actually be irregular for it to do so. Regular cycles are about how many days long a cycle is, and cycles being around 4-5 days within that same number each time, not about them showing up on or around the same date. :)